Restaurant Equipment Financing


Restaurant equipment financing is an option that allows you to purchase new or used restaurant equipment for your business. commercial equipment finance is an excellent way to hedge against inflation and save money. The current trade war between the United States and China has increased the price of restaurant equipment, and this trend will likely continue. The good news is that restaurant equipment is made in the USA and does not reflect on your balance sheet or credit card statement. It is also tax-deductible.

Depending on your business model, restaurant equipment financing may require a down payment or a formal quote. While this may not be as risky as traditional business loans, restaurant equipment financing is often easier to obtain than traditional restaurant equipment financing. Unlike traditional loans, restaurant equipment financing can help preserve your working capital and help you start your business with low interest rates. Whether you choose restaurant equipment financing or lease it, you need to understand the terms and conditions of the financing. Some lenders will not finance used equipment. Others will only finance specific brands. Check the fine print on any agreement to ensure that you won’t be charged a hidden fee. Regardless of the financing option you choose, you will be the legal owner of the equipment, and you can take advantage of tax benefits available under IRS 179.

Term loans are another option for restaurant equipment financing. While you need to have an accurate estimate of the price of the equipment, you can get financing that suits your needs. These loans have shorter repayment terms and are available from a variety of different providers. Some loans are more flexible than others and have lower interest rates, but there are still restrictions. While a line of credit is like a credit card, business loans are generally higher in funding limits and offer a lower interest rate.